Declared wars

Different wars have been declared in recent times by government institutions and leaders. These verbal wars declared range from outlawed sects, street families, illegal brews, rogue drivers on our roads, drug menace and substance abuse among many others. These declarations have been a common word used in the mouth of most leaders and the relevant departments concerned.

As a concerned citizen my question is “What is the status of these wars that have been declared?” An audit needs to be conducted first before the next declaration is made because till now it is a statement used with very minimal effect in regard to its accomplishments. So little or even nothing at all is or has been done.

It is not strange to hear and see these leaders making the said statements with little intention to see into it that action is taken. Sincerity and commitment is important in regard to the statements we make pertaining any matter or incidence. Until something is done then the statement can be categorized with among the misused words. Unless action is taken then impunity shall continue to prevail.


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