Third: How Does Social Networking Affect My Reputation?

"A good reputation and respect are worth much more than silver and gold." —Proverbs 22:1, "Contemporary English Version."
Whatever you post on a social network carves out a reputation for you that may be difficult to erase. Many seem oblivious to the potential danger in that when people go on a social network, they lose their sense of reason. They say things that they normally wouldn't say. Some don't realize that with one distasteful post, their good reputation can be ruined.
Damaging your reputation on a social network can have long-range consequences that may include and not limiting to one failing to get that dream job or lose their job all together. Some have lost great opportunities just because of what they posted on their pages or status. Marriages and relationships have been wreaked because of social networking, millions have been paid for defamation claims and suits in court among many others.

What one can do is to look at their social network page and try to see it the way others would see it. Ask yourself these questions: “Is this how I really want to be viewed? If someone looked at my posted photos and had to describe my character as they perceived it, what terms would likely come to that person’s mind? Is that the way I want to be seen when I apply for a job, for example, and my prospective employer looks at my page? Do these pictures really represent the values I stand for?” If you are a young person, ask yourself: “What if my parents, a teacher, or an adult whom I look up to viewed my page? Would they be embarrassed at what they could see and read?”

The bottom line when it comes to your reputation, remember the words of the apostle Paul: "You will reap exactly what you sow,” Galatians 6:7.


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