Vote for “Reformer Raila” at your own peril

Insincere reformer
The recent launch of the book “Peeling Back the Mask” by Miguna Miguna, Raila former aide has acted as an eye opener to the reform, reformer and reformist crusade in Kenya. The revelations put across by Miguna are chilling and the extent of corruption is releasing a stinking bad odour in the economic and societal atmosphere.
Having being able to read some sections of the book more specifically the chapter on “Instant Billionaires” my personal opinion and judgment is that indeed Raila let and allowed corruption to perpetrate under his watch and support. As a true and passionate reformer that Raila brands himself to be, he should have taken decisive actions and measures to see that nothing close to corruption or any evil of governance is near him. From this Raila has failed and failed completely to fight that which he has been “advocating” for and making noise about. Raila reforms credentials are wanting in the sense that he is and was unable to reprimand corrupt officials, non-reformists tendencies and individuals in his office, family and relatives.
2013 General Elections especially Presidential is foreseen to be between reformers against non-reformers. Raila presidential candidacy on reform card will be a total lie to the nation. I do not know who will win the presidency, but we Kenyan voters have an opportunity to choose who deserves and has the best interest of this country regarding reform agenda. The full implementation of the Constitution requires honest and passionate leadership through coordination from various institutions and only true reformers shall be able to deliver. Time has now come for real and true reformers to stand up and be elected.


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