“Time to be born and a time to die”

News about the death of Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden spread so fast across the world with millions of people getting it within the shortest time possible. This truly attests to the assertion that in our modern technological age information travels at the speed of light around the world.
Being religious, I asked myself a question in regard to who should take credit for his death or was the US right to claim that they were responsible for his death. After his death, US President Barack Obama went ahead and gave a press conference in confirmation of Osama’s death after being America’s number one enemy for years now and the fight to kill him was now over.
Osama’s death was met with a sigh of relief by many hurting victims of his terrorists attacks especially the 9/11. Immediately after the news went out, thousands of Americans flocked to Ground Zero to celebrate his death.
Should we rejoice at the fall and death of our enemies? Depending on which side of the divide you are, to rejoice or not to lies squarely within you. The irony of the death is that whereas there are some who are rejoicing, there are others who are mourning more so the family members and his allies.
Should we world over approve what the US says? Osama was her enemy then is he also our enemy? The dominance of the US in world news and global affairs makes this be the case.
The Bible records that there is a time to be born and a time to die. Was his time to die and why should the US take credit for his death yet when God says in His word that all the days ordained for us are written in His book before one of them came to be. My conclusion to the news is that even though America would want to take credit of the death and that they possess a highly sophisticated intelligence unit is not the issue but that it was time for Osama to die just like everyone of us one day will have to. How and where we will die we do not know but only God who says that the secret things belong to Him and no one knows of the hour and time of his death.


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