ICC Debate and Deferral quest

The call by the political elite that Kenyan case at the Hague be deferred is motivated by selfish interests amongst themselves. For justice to be done for both the victims of PEV and perpetrators, then to my opinion Hague way will give that desired quest.
When the political elite had the chance to vote in parliament whether to try the perpetrators locally or at the Hague? Majority overwhelmingly voted for the Hague option saying “don’t be vague, vote Hague.” Now that this reality is so near than the first thought, a certain section of leaders are up in arms fighting to oppose the decision they had made earlier. This is a clear contradiction of the position they took earlier characterizing a Kenyan politician who has a shifting principle and lacking a firm principle in the decision they make.
It was all over in the news and media outlets that the VP was on around the continent tour trying to persuade countries with seats at the UN Security Council to vote in favour of the Kenyan position to defer her case at the ICC. This to some was a mission in vain, a waste of taxpayers money that could offer little or no help to the Kenyan issue. Fundamental questions that we may ask ourselves is that, is the mission in the truest interest of the Kenyan people?  


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