The Five stones of success in Leadership (part 3)

GOD ONLY TRUSTS THE MEN HE HAS TRIED AND TESTED. Just as David chose the smooth stones in the brook, David’s life will be battered and beaten by storms until he becomes smooth and usable in God’s hands. Before David wears the crown of glory; he has to go through pains of the cross. Before he goes to the throne, he has to go through the thorns of pain. Saul persecuted David in every turn. Eliab his elder brother discouraged him. You cannot reach your destiny without going through the desert of discouragement. (1st Sam 17:28). Before David killed Goliath; he first of all killed the lion and the bear in the forest. God was preparing his warrior king in the wilderness. God was developing the CV of David in the darkness of the forest. God has to prepare a leader in the backside of the forest before he brings him to the limelight. God shapes us in the unseen and then manifests us publicly. Before God gives a leader power, he takes him through pain. Before God gives you strength, He takes you through struggles and sufferings. You need the stone of suffering so that you can become compassionate to those who are in need. IT’S DANGEROUS TO HAVE POWER WITHOUT COMPASSION. David suffered in the wilderness for more than fourteen years. Being anointed doesn’t mean that you won’t suffer. The wilderness is God’s school of preparation for promotion. For those who God is working on in the wilderness, it’s important to know that your suffering are seasonal and when you are tried and tested through the furnace of afflictions, you will come out with great glory and honor. God promised you the kingdom and He must give it to you. YOU CANNOT BE SWEETLY ANOINTED UNLESS YOU ARE FIRST BITTERLY AFFLICTED. The purpose of this stone is to smoothen the rough places of our lives and make the crooked ways straight.

A LEADER BECOMES SUCCESSFUL ONCE HE FINDS AND TRAINS HIS SUCCESSOR. SUCCESS IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT A SUCCESSOR. A leader is a father who must raise sons. The future of any organization is determined by the kind of leaders it raises. You were anointed; you should anoint others to take your place. You were mentored, you should mentor others. Someone raised you and you should also lift others. The leader must find a son, and sow in him a seed of destiny. David raised Solomon to succeed him. A leader should replace himself. Jesus spent more of his time with the twelve emerging leaders than the time he spent with the multitude. Jesus spotted Peter and promised him the keys of the kingdom. Although Peter failed many times, Jesus never gave up on him and at the end Peter became a powerful leader of the early church. A leader should spot a son, sow a seed and grow the son until he mature to take the mantle. Sons are not perfect and so the father should have a big heart to accommodate even the weakness of the son. The future of your ministry will not be determined by the number of followers but by the sons you raise. For you to be called an effective leader, you need to build a foundation that your sons can build on. The leader needs the stone of Samuel (the father) and the stone of Solomon (the son). By raising a son, the leader passes what he received from God to the next generation. A LEADER IS A GIANT KILLER AND THE SUCCESS OF THE LEADER IS MEASURED NOT BY THE GIANTS HE HAS KILLED BUT BY HOW MANY GIANT KILLERS HE RAISED. A leader should equip others and by doing so pass the baton.

For those facing giants in their lives, families, ministry, work and business it’s important to know that the giant was not sent to kill you but you are anointed to kill it. THE GIANT IS A GATE TO YOUR GREATNESS. David was unknown until he killed Goliath. Face your giants in God’s power and you will prevail and be promoted. YOU CAN CONQUER THAT CHALLENGE. YOU CAN OVERCOME THAT OPPOSITION. YOU CAN WIN THAT WAR. YOU ARE ANOINTED TO OVERCOME THOSE ATTACKS. Between you and your next level, there is a giant but your God is greater than your giants and you will win. Keep all these five stones ready in your porch because you will need them to destroy the Goliaths and his brothers. Goliath came from the town of Gath and God had commanded Joshua to destroy this town three hundred years before but Joshua failed to bring down the town and its giants. Goliath represents some generational issues our father failed to kill which are now attacking us and we must hold our ground and destroy them. After David killed Goliath the philistines fled and the Israelites ran after them collecting the spoils. LEADERS ARE CALLED TO KILL GIANTS SO THAT THE FOLLOWERS CAN CELEBRATE AND ENJOY GOD’S BLESSING. Save these five stones safely in your spirit because you will need them now and in your future. 

Excerpts by Pastor Henry Waweru in LEADERSHIP WELL


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