
Showing posts from 2012

No Card

Buses at the Kingfisher Picnic site Undiscriminating: Tree planting is above all the lines of discrimination   Planning and organizing for an activity that draws people from all walks of life is likely to fail where different cards of race, tribe, religion, age, position or status are played. Tree planting exercise has proved to be one key uniting activity that is above board on card games of discrimination. The recently conducted tree planting campaign under the Plant Your Age initiative of Green Africa Foundation proved that man is ready to join hands and forget all the other cards that play in other platforms and keep the unity card high up. The Kenya and the world we all dream to have is one where nothing shall discriminate us as mankind. The tree planting exercise that went down at the Nairobi National Park on the 17 th November 2012 brought together people of different races and tribes together in a noble activity that seeks to secure our future generations ag...

The Journey to 2030

Focus: Successes so far and what needs to be prioritized Kenya Vision 2030 is an economic development plan by the Kenyan government to develop several different economic zones in various parts of the country. The plan aims to produce annual economic growth rates of 10%. The Kenya Vision 2030 is anchored on three pillars; the Economic, Social and Political. Under the Social pillar of Vision 2030 Kenya aims to be a nation that has a clean, secure and sustainable environment . The goals that would facilitate the realization of the aims under Social pillar are to increase forest cover from less than 3% at present to 10%; and to lessen by half all environment-related diseases. Different players and stakeholders have been involved with ensuring that this is achieved. Green Africa Foundation through an initiative Plant Your Age recently held an event calling on Kenyans to plant trees equivalent to their age during short rains period with the climax of the event being a tree plantin...

Obama victory

Lessons from his win Its Obama again and the frenzy of his win has brought with it several opportunities for us a nation and lessons to learn from. To the politicians, it’s a great lesson we can learn of how mature democracies conduct their elections. Accepting defeat by a loser in any election is vital for the progress of the nation and displays maturity of their democracy. President Obama with the family on stage during his election night rally in Chicago To the business world, it’s the curiosity and innovativeness of some business people to make business kills. Merchandise about the Obama’s or their portrait has been mass produced and marketed. Now calendar’s about Obama, parties celebrated in his honor, DVD’s of his speech, Books about him among many others will be on sale. While some are celebrating his win others are making profit and money from the merchandise. To the society, a coordinated teamwork produce excellent results. His campaign secretariat worked tirele...

Heartless neighbours

The tragic loss of a number of women of the PCEA Women Guild drawn from various churches across Thika in Tanga Tanzania over the weekend brought grief not only to the respective families but also to the East Africa region as a whole. Not so long, another crash happened now on Kenyan soil but involving Ugandan Military air force wing. An interesting observation of how onlookers responded to the incidents showed that Kenyans saved lives with no condition at all while the Tanzanians demanded money first before they could do any rescue assistance. With the process of integration of East African region countries, the Tanzanians action and gesture portrayed them as heartless people who have least care for their neighbours and life of another in general. Whereas not everyone possesses the biblical Samaritan heart who responded to a needy situation by the roadside (Luke 11:33-34) but at least a little concern should have been shown by our Tanzanians “brothers."

Vote for “Reformer Raila” at your own peril

Insincere reformer The recent launch of the book “Peeling Back the Mask” by Miguna Miguna, Raila former aide has acted as an eye opener to the reform, reformer and reformist crusade in Kenya. The revelations put across by Miguna are chilling and the extent of corruption is releasing a stinking bad odour in the economic and societal atmosphere. Having being able to read some sections of the book more specifically the chapter on “Instant Billionaires” my personal opinion and judgment is that indeed Raila let and allowed corruption to perpetrate under his watch and support. As a true and passionate reformer that Raila brands himself to be, he should have taken decisive actions and measures to see that nothing close to corruption or any evil of governance is near him. From this Raila has failed and failed completely to fight that which he has been “advocating” for and making noise about. Raila reforms credentials are wanting in the sense that he is and was unable to reprimand corru...

No gym required

Exercise doesn't have to mean working out on the gym circuit. Are you one of those people who don't exercise because they hate the gym? Well, now you have no excuse for there are ideas for alternative forms of exercise that don't require you to be a member of any gym club.  All that sweating in an air-conditioned gym environment may not be so good for you after all – many health experts believe exercising outdoors is better for your overall health and fitness. One reason is that you tend to work your body harder out of doors, because the speed and difficulty of your activity varies, whereas inside a gym, you fixate on the lights and buttons on the treadmill, and keep the intensity of what you are doing fairly constant. A cycle ride through a local park is a lot more refreshing for your mind and body than the spinning units or stationary bikes that have you pedaling away furiously without actually going anywhere. Exercising outdoors also improves both your sleep and yo...

Pursuing more of Jesus [continued.....]

Pursue more of His dirt on your hands . Just as Jesus was willing to get His hands dirty serving others willingly, humbly, obediently, and gladly, He expects you to do the same. Choose to serve other people whenever God calls you to – even when it's not convenient or when you're struggling with serious problems of your own. Shift your focus from yourself to Jesus and the people He wants you to serve. In the process, your own problems will become more manageable. Never view yourself as being above any particular type of service – changing diapers, mowing grass, making coffee, visiting prisoners, etc. When you do any task that God calls you to do, your work – no matter how humble – will become important because you're answering God's call.   Pursue more of His hope in your grief. Jesus has given you the hope of heaven in your grief. Let the promise of heaven sharpen your focus to help you see that any difficult situation you're going through now is temporary ...