“Do you lie?”

Ever found yourself between a rock and a hard place in regard to telling the truth? Have you ever been compelled to lie to rescue yourself from a situation? In parenting, have you ever told your child one thing yet knowingly you know you meant the opposite and different thing? Did you, will searching for a job make some lies in your cv?

Well this and many more other questions that we may ask ourselves puts us in a place where one’s personal integrity is tested. Communication is said to be that activity that we engage in consciously or subconsciously. Truth on its part needs to be communicated at all times by all. Many are the times that both believers and non-believers had to lie in one way or the other in order to accomplish a certain mission that they set out to do.

Easton’s Bible dictionary defines lie as an intentional violation of the truth which is emphatically condemned in Scriptures (John 8:44, 1st Timothy 1:9-10, Rev. 21:27). Mention is made of the lies told by good men in the Bible. Abraham who is described as a friend of God at one point lied that Sarah is his sister when confronted by the King of Gerar, Abimelech, because of fear.

In the Bible, telling lies had a number of serious repercussions for example the story of Ananias and Sapphiras in Acts 5:1-11. The couple after selling a piece of property decided to keep part of the money and while presenting the rest before the Apostles’ feet they lied that that was the whole amount they got after the sale. Later we saw that Peter the apostle rebuked them sharply and immediately they fell down and died.
Lie basically takes a number of forms where there is reprehensible behavior. Lying is obviously a form of deception, but not all deception is lying. There are two other kinds of deception: concealment and spinning. Unlike lying, neither involves making a false statement or telling a story with a false bottom line. Concealment and spinning, however, are not the same as telling the truth. These two kinds of deception are pervasive in every realm of daily life, and they cause hardly a word of protest. Live your values. Are integrity and respect among your top values? Live them when you communicate and you’ll cultivate productivity.
As believers lets strive to ensure that we do not compromise on the call that we made and the faith that we profess. Lie basically is that sin that we can look at it and say it is a “small sin” yet if not dealt with fully it can lead us to a dangerous path in life. Lets repent of the sins that we commit and ask our Heavenly Father to help us not be lead into temptations. Its natural yes but lets us observe the limits and be aware that it has consequences at the end of time. The truth will always set you free, and even if it hurts still it is something that you can hold onto and depend on.
Lets celebrate the Truth in truth by holding in high esteem the confession we made through communicating the truth always.


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