
Showing posts from September, 2011

Lying and reactive leadership

The state of things in our beloved country Kenya has left many to wonder if really we have a leadership concerned about the welfare of the people they serve and represent. Tragedies befalling us would have been avoided if only the leadership was sincere in their call to serve. The leadership approach exercised is one that seems to have failed and which is achieving so little. It has been witnessed in the past and even now that our leaders have time and again perfected in lies when making their comments in regard to an incidence that has happened. This has made little to be achieved in terms of rebuilding the lives of the victims and their families. It has been false hope after another that we shall do this, implement that, pursue it among other comments. What amazes me is that their minds are so narrowed forgetting that they have been recorded and an archive of their comments is available only later to disown whatever they said. Lying is when a person makes a statement that he knows ...

All hail the politician

Politics is a science and also an art. All the people involved in it are to understand the fundamentals within it. In Kenya, former President Moi used to say “Siasa mbaya, maisha mbaya” whereby bad politics leads to bad life. Unlike in business where what matters most is the bottom line that is are you making profits or loss; politics is about service that is the aspect of human contact. Business you make decisions in politics you make the right decisions but have to bring people along to believe in your decisions that you are proposing. Quoting Simon Thompson, Chief Marketing Officer, he says “Leadership is about people. Management is about output. You will be respected based on successful leadership, you will be promoted based on successful management.” Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell says about leadership as the art of accomplishing more than what the science of management says is possible. In leadership what needs to be understood is that there are goi...

“Do you lie?”

Ever found yourself between a rock and a hard place in regard to telling the truth? Have you ever been compelled to lie to rescue yourself from a situation? In parenting, have you ever told your child one thing yet knowingly you know you meant the opposite and different thing? Did you, will searching for a job make some lies in your cv? Well this and many more other questions that we may ask ourselves puts us in a place where one’s personal integrity is tested. Communication is said to be that activity that we engage in consciously or subconsciously. Truth on its part needs to be communicated at all times by all. Many are the times that both believers and non-believers had to lie in one way or the other in order to accomplish a certain mission that they set out to do. Easton’s Bible dictionary defines lie as an intentional violation of the truth which is emphatically condemned in Scriptures (John 8:44, 1st Timothy 1:9-10, Rev. 21:27). Mention is made of the lies told by good men in...