Yes it is possible: Pitstop stage for the constitutional implementation
The just concluded 1st Annual National Constitutional Implementation Conference offered a platform to take stock of the progress of the new constitution implementation process. It was proven that the implementation process is attainable and possible to dispose the several Bills and issues within the stipulated time lines if only we move and work as a team. The Parliament, AG’s office, the Executive, relevant Ministries, CIC, the Non-State Actors and any other department responsible all have to do their roles and fast track the process. The unnecessary delay at any one stage of the process, throws the whole process aback which will impact on the implementation time line. Instead of bashing and bickering on what has not been done or who has not done what, we should at individual levels ask ourselves what have I done in regard to this journey. The why element for the Commission and other key departments that need to ensure the wheel of implementation keeps running is important. The ...